Continuing Together & Giving Thanks
As the year winds down, we round off December — The clouds roll in more often, festivities and planning are taking place, moments of deep introspection heading into 2024. 🕊️ Join us for a few community updates and a very special interview from Jennine, the Executive...
Happy 4/20/2023
We are stoked to be celebrating another year of cannabis in Hawai’i! As you probably know, Hawai’i is still a medical state, so we are celebrating 420 knowing that all our Hawaiian grown buds and manufactured goods have been grown in house and vigorously...
Getting to know 11-Hydroxy-THC
And why it may be important for you as a patient We’ve all been there. Forearm-deep in a bag of snacks, too high off an edible, trying to figure out how you got there and, more importantly, wondering how to get back. Consumables are notorious for this...